Saturday, January 2, 2010

Post #155

My post written earlier actually the second paragraph of it made me think about a topic even more. I always wondered which one is greater achievement a)Idea/invention itself or is it b)the implementation/bettering the part of the original idea. This particular thought has left me without any answer even after pondering over it for what i feel is ages now. I still believe the original inventor/author of the idea/story has the upper hand. Without whom it would have been quite impossible to have even imagined a whole thing like that. The dimension/angle of thought that took you to all different plane of thought actually is the creativity that is higher than the art of bettering the existing theory/story/invention. Of course it's all together a different capability to package an idea in a very attractive/useful manner. But without the original idea itself, what do you attempt bettering! Isn't it!?

I hope i made my point. :)

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