Monday, September 15, 2008

Terror trails...

Bombs have been going off in our country regularly now in a planned manner for past year and a bit more. It's taken LIFE. And it's injured many LIVES. It's been planned and executed to perfection by the extremists who GOD knows are upto what next. The NEWS says its Mumbai next. But who knows as to it would be Mumbai for sure. Bangalore already went through the scare once in the recent past. And then it was Surat and Ahmedabad's turn. And then Delhi! The capital of India. To a common man it might sound just another city. But, the reality is that by bombing Delhi now in such a precise manner, aren't we being questioned about our ability to control terror in our country. Aren't they questioning our sovereignty. The place of power, the capital of the world's largest democracy has been terrrorised and there is nothing that we could do. Innocents lost their lives and many lost their loved ones. The government that WE elect is still searching for a clue if i can guess so by reading the articles in the daily. Forget zeroing in on the criminals, we don't even have a solid Intelligence network, security nor a fighting force against terror. And if at all our security forces trap the criminal it'll be only days before he is allowed to go scott free with signing some bond or whatever it is. An enmy of the state, mind it as i say. An enmy of the state was asked for presidential pardon and the president is confused whether to pardon him or not!!! What the ....? How do we need to think if we should pardon an enmy of our counrty?!!! Don't you feel like laughing at the kind of judiciary and laws we have in our country? Laugh on the helplessness of the system and the common man?
I as a taxpayer and above all as a citizen of India expect the goverment to do it's duty of protecting it's people. As i go out everyday from my dwelling, i should be assured that i would reurn home to my loved ones safely day after day untill i die normally. Isn't that why we elect the govenment for? Isn't it their primary duty? And what if i die in a bomb blast? A compensation to my surviving family? He he he. And they think that solves it all. Probably Lives means some lakhs of rupees for them... as cheap and as much available in numbers of vote they buy during election :)

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