Just found this when i was blog trotting. What this post says is something that i definitely would like to write here again. But then i would not be able to write it again that nicely and so you better read it from source. :)
Wonder what's wrong with all the critics! Every other person has a right to critic a work but then totally ignoring out the work of an artist is not good way to critic too! I loved the movie Slumdog millionaire. The script is something that was very different and written beautifully. Not at any point in the whole movie did i want to stop watching it. Basically what would be a good movie? One that entertains you and walks you along it's run time without boring you. And this movie does exactly that. And i can't understand why people can see only bad things about it! After all what the movie shows is true!
I find a comparison for this instance with an instance in the recent past where Mr.Aravinda Adiga's book won the Booker's. Though the story was well written, most of the critics (from India) found the book was showing India in bad light! Well, i didn't find anything like that when i read the book. Whatever i read were the things that i could find, see or experience here in my nation.
Every single thing has goodness and badness attatched to it... so why do we express such deep anger on things that are portrayed in print or media which actually are real and factual! Probabaly it's hard to accept or is it ignorrance? I'm confused! And the best part is, all these critics finally become more famous and important than the person who actually has done the work which was criticed!! He he he... I see irony...
Wonder what's wrong with all the critics! Every other person has a right to critic a work but then totally ignoring out the work of an artist is not good way to critic too! I loved the movie Slumdog millionaire. The script is something that was very different and written beautifully. Not at any point in the whole movie did i want to stop watching it. Basically what would be a good movie? One that entertains you and walks you along it's run time without boring you. And this movie does exactly that. And i can't understand why people can see only bad things about it! After all what the movie shows is true!
I find a comparison for this instance with an instance in the recent past where Mr.Aravinda Adiga's book won the Booker's. Though the story was well written, most of the critics (from India) found the book was showing India in bad light! Well, i didn't find anything like that when i read the book. Whatever i read were the things that i could find, see or experience here in my nation.
Every single thing has goodness and badness attatched to it... so why do we express such deep anger on things that are portrayed in print or media which actually are real and factual! Probabaly it's hard to accept or is it ignorrance? I'm confused! And the best part is, all these critics finally become more famous and important than the person who actually has done the work which was criticed!! He he he... I see irony...
Its not obsessive Indianess.
Its just a uncomfortable feeling, brought by the embarrassment of the entire world knowing the extreme state of destitution in India. Its a reality yes, but its embarrassing.
This is very well summarized in this post...
Hey Shiv,
I read the post you sent.... what it says is absolutely right.. it's embarrassing and thats why we hear so much noise. But we do have to agree on the facts right! So my point is why can't we fight what shames us in a right way rather than jus sit and critic the person who showed it to the world out in open! :)
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