Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'm very much alive..

A week gone by has been very quiet. Nothing new and great in terms of the events. It's been the same old routine. At times have been very lazy through out the day and have been pushing around the days. I think this can be made out by seeing the number of posts that has made an appearance in this place. Something in me makes me sulk. Am not in great of my moods. Some old memories are making a quiet comback. They are making me loose concentration and most of all am feeling weak. I need to gather myself and i've lost time doing nothing at all. There have been times i've been frustrated and wanted to shout at myself. Huh!Let me see if i can pull myself together at the earliest.
Today has been a holiday and i had been to a bookshop and bought two books for myself to read. Would read them and let you know on how they are. The actual plan today was to try and watch Dark knight movie in the theatre. But somehow didn't feel like doing a round of the thetre as there was no company. Hmm, seeems like dark knight will have to wait for my viewing. ;) Tomorrow, will be riding down to a place called Savanadurga with my friends. I know it's not been long since i had a very long ride to mysore and back. Will update on the place as soon as i get back. The plan is to start very early tomorrow and comeback early too.

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