Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Change, me.

Over the years i somehow have changed as a person. I used to be effective in communication with people around me. This seems to have changed a little bit in the recent years that passed by. Something that made me change and sent me into my own shell. A more of an introvert if i can call it so. This has happened without my knowledge about it. Only recently did i come to a self realization about this. I gave it a thought on what could've caused it! Because to change my basic nature of myself, is consequence of something that is little more than something small. Though it did not happen all of a sudden it has taken something out of me over the years. Now, how i wish this change had not taken place. But it has and i've little time to get out of my shell and i will.
BTW, still i can't completely figure out what caused this. I've a vague feeling that it has to do with the places i've been in the last couple of years. Or maybe it's not. Things are a bit muddled up now. But then, that's what is the indication my mind is giving. Anyways, let me not try and waste much time on thinking about this for long. Actions need to be plotted and change is the need of the hour. So here i go plotting a change to change the change in me!! ;)

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