Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A thought on thought... hi hi ;)

We think on so many things in a day. Thoughts arise if you wish for them or not. If you jus try and get conscious and take notice, it starts to amaze us (at least i amaze myself!) that we think on so many different thinks in a day! And it's not so amazing to know that so many of those thoughts jus die half-baked. Isn't it? It has happened to me many a times that i've thought on an particular matter. Must've given it a good amount of time to think on, and then suddenly sent it to thrash. No more than a blink of an eye most of the times is the amount of time required to stop a thought. It happens by itself most of the time or can be because of some interruption. The topics that we thought on are sometimes very abstract or very irrelevant at that particular point of time or circumstance. But on another given day it would really make sense. We need to give some free time to ourselves to give shape to these thoughts which can be helpful maybe in the near future. I think it's again another effort called for, as we jus remember only some points that we had highlighted the last time we had these same topics to think upon. But it's worth every moment you spend for it if it is costructive....

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