Sunday, May 11, 2008

Food Crisis and what not?

Have you read recent comments from world leaders on global food and oil crisis? And them attributing the crisis to having been caused by someone other than them! Surprising? Well, that's what these so called super powers think is the problem for the world. And whom is it that it has been associated to? India and China! Of-course, We are one amongst the fast growing countries in the world now. Thanks to lot many things like youth, natural resource, Intellectual brilliance and lots more that we have to support us build. Do you think these abilities are something we acquired very recently? Ah! It was there since ages but we never utilized it in the best possible way. Or to put it in a better way probably is, never materialized. Why? Because, we were too busy to notice the world outside us and act accordingly or were we were busy with our own way of life. Too bothered to see what world is up to or what could be done. Also could be the fact that we were lazy. Ya, very lazy to compete. Now with the advent of technologies and micro world concept evolving, we have suddenly realized our potential. And thanks to the change in the approach of the newer generations we are better placed now than what we were couple of decades ago. Though not fully realized, it's better than yesterday and will be getting better with days to come. Lets stay optimistic and hope we don't over do ourselves by running over ourselves in the process.

Coming back to the comment on India and China fueling the world food crisis, i would say lot many things are also responsible for this. Be it loss of wheat farming in Australia or erratic climatic changes caused in lot many food producing countries in the last couple of years. And if someone thinks that India is consuming more food or more quality food then i would get angry on him. Don't we have the right to consume good quality food? every human being has for that matter of fact. Is someone objecting on that? Then, the people who are objecting also do not the right to eat quality food.

Only probable solution for this can be finding ways to increase production of food. Because people are obviously not going to starve when they have resources to buy it. So why not think of ways to produce more to meet the requirements? So that everyone has access to good food. :)

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