Sunday, June 22, 2008


Finally i got hold of a motorbike of my roommate's cousin bro. And to my luck, it was the same make and powered same as the bike that i own. And the feel of the throttle was awesome after a week's break. We had to roam around in the city with some work to be finished. With this opportunity of bike in my hands i maneuvered it around the busy roads of Bangalore. The feel is just something that i cannot explain by putting it in words. The traffic is tight and the best part is there is no scope to loose concentration. A car fellow banging breaks right in front of you or an erratic auto driver or the countless vehicles running on the roads always keeps you guessing and gives you something new every other yard. The distance maintained by each vehicle from each other is very very very less. Sometimes even this gap comes to a very dangerous brushing level. Couple of centimeters is as close as it gets and you can really feel this happen even at speeds like 70 to 80 km per hour. And being on two wheeler has an advantage of just zig zag driving(I know this is wrong and fatal but, i've no option) and there is no one who follows any sorta driving rules. ! Breaks and throttle are used to the extremes. The more power you have the more stopping power is something that is a necessity. Traffic signals are sometimes really very irritating because i never had this in Udupi and i hate staying on bike for minutes doing nothing! BTW, sometimes you get to see some couples sitting so close together as if even an millimeter's gap would blow them away.. And then if it is late and cold then well, i don't need to explain.. he he.. ;)
Over all I'm loving it as of now riding the streets of Bangalore. Hmm.. :)The best take for the day was driving through middle of the 2 two wheelers at a decently faster pace. I know it is not something special for people who drive in metros in India but this is something that I've never done! :)

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